Monday, August 9, 2010

T minus one week

For those non-DU students that may be reading this, the title of the blog might not be as funny to you. Here's an explanation. DU, being the rich, private institution that it is, started running a bullshit marketing campaign last year in which they came up with every slogan they could think of that replaced the word "do" with "DU." Here's an example.

So David and I, being the immature people that we are, came up with a play on "Wiener," something that comes from the city of Vienna, or Wien, Austria, in the spirit of the DU marketing campaign.

Today we got our housing assignments. I'll be in an apartment with a Viennese native female in her mid twenties kind enough to accommodate me for four months along with a student from Spain. Map it

And David will be in an apartment with a bunch of guys from the IES program. This gives the blog title so much more meaning now XD. Map it.

Anyway, more to come when we arrive in a week.


  1. Ben, call it crazy, but you live literally less than one block from where I lived! And may I say, it is a wonderful part of town! I particularly enjoyed passing Brutus every day to school!

  2. Did you happen to live on Dürergasse? I don't know if IES renews the same housing from year to year, but I know many students in a building on that street.
